Tuesday, October 13, 2009

King of Office Hours

I would like to think that I'm the king of office hours. I believe I've gone more than anyone else on campus. Really.

I have a notebook. And in that notebook I write down any question that ever comes to me that relates to my four classes. And those four classes comprise some pretty broad topics: arts, education, philosophy, the brain, and poetry. Once I get four or five questions in one class, I schedule some office hours with the professor, I sit down, and we talk. And talk. And I keep them for far too long. I refuse to leave. I let them force me out the door with a swift kick in the pants.

I figure that I'm paying a LOT of money for this year, and I've only got nine months, and this is one of the best education institutions in the world (or so I hear). And I've got four professors that are amongst the very, very best in their fields. Think of the opportunity. How could I pass it up?

So I GET to sit with an expert and make them talk to me. And these office hours are even better than class, because I am asking the questions, I am choosing the topics, I am following my bliss, I am keeping us focused on what interests me the most. Not what I think I should know, not what might get me a job next year, simply what interests me in the moment. For no other reason. I'm a kid in a candy store. I've awakened on Christmas morning.


  1. Ask away, because I am certain that any student of yours that requested your time, would get your full attention for as long as they needed...right?

  2. That's the difference between attending school as a kid and as an adult -- you know how to squeeze every penny out of your education! This totally cracked me up. Nope - you don't know me -- apparently others besides Cory will not only read, but chime in!

  3. What is the most satisfying question you've asked thus far?
