Thursday, April 15, 2010


Well, I now wear glasses. I got my first pair this morning. I've probably needed them for about 5 years, and I finally submitted.

Just a few thoughts:

1. Expensive! Mine cost $300. College students don't have that kind of money.

2. I predict I will lose my glasses within the next two months. I lose about 6 pairs of sunglasses in a year. This will not go well.

3. Damn it's a crisp and detailed world out there!

4. I can no longer mock the other members of my nuclear family who all need glasses. The last Jordan has fallen.

5. I may have been pushed into buying glasses when I read an article that claimed wearing glasses (if you need them) helps prevent Alzheimer's. That doesn't mean NOT wearing glasses CAUSES Alzheimer's, but rather that wearing glasses and being able to see the world helps prevent the onset. Seeing a detailed world gives your brain a lot more to chew on, and that keeps your neurons alive and firing.

6. Now what do I do about sunglasses?

7. Do people still wear contacts?

8. Anytime I hear someone with a British accent, I always think they're smarter than they probably are. I hope people do the same with me when I'm wearing glasses.

9. What did people do before the invention of glasses? Just put up with a blurry world? Well, maybe not. Here's what I heard: before we invented glasses, those with blurry eyes would just die early. They would fall off a cliff, hit their head on a tree branch the didn't see, etc. And since they would die early they'd remove themselves from the gene pool and thus wouldn't pass on their substandard genetics. Those with great vision would still be alive, and they could birth some sharp-sighted babies. But then glasses get invented, so us poor-sighted folks stay alive, pass on our bad genes, and our collective eyesight just keeps getting worse and worse.

So my new glasses better save my damn life at some point, because I'm going to have to eat Ramen noodles for the next 3 months just to cover the cost.


  1. I've been told I need glasses too, but I resist. It sucks gettiing old. Oh yeah, grey hair too.

  2. You get used to treating them the way you would an uncommonly fragile pile of hundred-dollar bills. I've never lost a pair for more than an hour or so even though I'm the sort of person who has to spend fifteen minutes hunting for car keys and such before leaving the house.

    If you need them for distance vision, you're pretty much stuck shelling out for prescription sunglasses. I need to get a pair and am about to get some from one of the cheap online places (found via a Lifehacker article--if you search there for "cheap eyeglasses" it ought to turn up. I picked one at random that some of the commenters seemed to have had good experiences with). I wouldn't want to go that route for my regular glasses since you can't try them on first to make sure you don't look like a dumbass in them, but for a pair $40 sunglasses I'm willing to take the risk. (Half of that price is for lightweight lenses since my prescription is pretty strong, so they can definitely be had for cheap.)
