Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Could Be Worse?

I'm sure we've all had the following experience at some point: as you are saying something TERRIBLE about another person, you realize they are right behind you, listening to your every word.

With the advent of modern technology, I think this happens a LOT more. Landlines, cell phones, lists phone numbers, text messaging, the internet . . . it's all ripe for hitting the wrong button and saying the wrong thing to the wrong person.

(I bet it used to be a LOT easier to cheat on your spouse when you couldn't leave endless clues in your inbox, or on your cell phone bill, etc.)

Recently I wrote an email to a friend in which I called someone "a caricature of a human being." Only I didn't sent it to my friend, I SENT IT TO THE PERSON I WAS INSULTING.

What could be worse? How could I be so careless?

What do you say after that? How can you take it back? You can't. You can only feel sick to your stomach, and resolve that you'll never ever say a mean thing about anyone ever again.

(Which lasts for about an hour, tops).

1 comment:

  1. I did this years ago. I sent an inter-office envelope w/ a note about person A. I was thinking I was sending it to person B, but did send it to A. It was vague enough that it wasn't so bad, but confusing for him. In the same place (newsroom), an intern wrote a note about a female reporter. It somehow made its way to the bulletin board w/ an angry note from her husband.
