Monday, May 3, 2010


For the past few days it seems like armageddon has arrived. And let me tell you, it's a mighty bleak feeling.

First, devastating earthquakes seem to be happening everywhere.

Second, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is spreading by the second, choking and killing everything in the sea, delicate ecosystems, etc., and is heading for poor, beleaguered New Orleans.

Third, the Red Line broke down a few days ago, which is how I get around.

Fourth, a major water main broke that serves over two million people in the Boston area, and our tap water has been contaminated for days. You can't drink it, you can't wash your clothes in it, you can't wash your dishes in it, they say that even if you used soap to wash your hands, you should still sanitize them right afterwards. There's serious shortages on bottle water--if you go to a CVS or a grocery store, you'll see empty shelves of where all things drinkable used to be.

(Not to mention that I have a horrendous, growing, inflamed face rash that is leaving me horribly disfigured).

What is going on? Have we not been praying enough? Are the cosmos angry?

And if the U.S. doesn't watch out, we'll be demoted to a 2nd world country sometime soon. Though we probably deserve it.

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